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2023-03-04 19:30 句子描写



1.The vase was made of delicate porcelain, with a beautiful pattern of flowers and birds. 2.The old clock ticked away the minutes, its hands slowly moving around the face. 3.The painting was a masterpiece, with its vibrant colors and intricate details. 4.The necklace sparkled in the light, its diamonds glinting brightly. 5.The chair was made of solid oak, its legs carved with intricate designs. 6.The book was filled with pages of knowledge, its words offering wisdom to those who read it. 7.The rug was soft and luxurious, its colors bright and inviting. 8.The watch had a golden face, its hands ticking away the seconds as time passed by. 9.The lamp cast a warm glow in the room, its light illuminating the darkness around it. 10.The dress was made of fine silk, its fabric shimmering in the light as she moved gracefully across the room. 11.The statue stood tall and proud, its marble surface reflecting the sunlight that shone upon it . 12 The cup was made of fine china, with a delicate pattern of roses painted on it .
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