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2023-02-28 21:30 格林童话句子



1.Once upon a time there was a queen who had a little daughter, still too young to walk. 2.The queen said to her, “If you can guess what I am going to say to you, I will give you a kiss.” 3.The little girl thought for a moment and then said, “I know what you are going to say: You are going to say that I am the most beautiful princess in the world!
” 4.The queen was so pleased with her answer that she kissed her on both cheeks and said, “You are right!
” 5.Once upon a time there was an old man who lived in the forest with his three sons. 6.One day the old man said to his sons, “I want you to go out into the world and find your fortunes.” 7.So the three brothers set off on their journey and soon came across a small cottage in the woods. 8.When they knocked on the door, an old woman opened it and invited them in for dinner. 9.The old woman told them that if they could guess her name she would give them each a gift. 10.The first brother guessed correctly and was given a bag of gold coins;
the second brother guessed correctly and was given a bag of silver coins;
and the third brother guessed correctly and was given a bag of copper coins. 11."Once upon a time there lived an old man who had three daughters," he began one evening as he sat by the fire with his family around him." 12."One day he decided to take them out into the forest so they could pick some flowers," he continued." 13."But when they got there, they found themselves surrounded by wolves!
" he exclaimed dramatically." 14."Just then, an old woman appeared from out of nowhere
," he went on,"and she told them that if they could guess her name she would save them from the wolves!
" 15."So one by one they each took turns guessing her name," he said,"and finally, after much thought, the youngest daughter guessed correctly!
" 16."And so the old woman saved them from certain death!
" he finished triumphantly as his family cheered with delight at his story's happy ending. 17."Once upon a time there lived an old farmer who had three sons," began another storyteller one night as he sat around a campfire with his friends." 18."One day he decided to take his sons out into the fields so they could help him with his work," he continued." 19."But when they got there, they found themselves surrounded by wild animals!
" he exclaimed dramatically." 20."Just then, an old witch appeared from out of nowhere
," he went on,"and she told them that if they could guess her name she would save them from certain danger!
" 21."So one by one they each took turns guessing her name," he said,"and finally, after much thought, the youngest son guessed correctly!
" 22."And so the witch saved them from certain death!
" he finished triumphantly as his friends cheered with delight at his story's happy ending
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