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2023-03-02 20:30 改错句子



1.I have been to Beijing twice last year. 2.I have been to Beijing twice in last year. 3.He is the most intelligent student in our class. 4.He is the most intelligent student of our class. 5.The teacher asked us to write down the answer on the blackboard. 6.The teacher asked us to write the answer on the blackboard. 7.She has been living here since two years ago. 8.She has been living here for two years ago. 9.He was borned in Shanghai in 1990s . 10.He was born in Shanghai in 1990s . 11.I am very happy that I can help you with your work . 12.I am very happy that I can help you with your work . 13.We should obey the rules and regulations of our school . 14We should obey the rules and regulations of our school . 15The students are studying hard for their final exams . 16The students are studying hard for their finals exams . 17My father bought me a new bike yesterday evening . 18My father bought me a new bike last evening . 19She has been working at this company since five years ago . 20She has been working at this company for five years ago . 21This is one of most beautiful cities I have ever seen . 22This is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen . 23I will go to visit my grandparents tomorrow morning . 24I will go to visit my grandparents tomorrow morning . 25He said he had finished his homework an hour ago . 26He said he had finished his homework an hour before . 27They are going to hold a meeting at 8 o'clock tonight . 28They are going to hold a meeting at 8 o'clock this evening
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